September 14, 2008


Well, it's happened. We are both, simultaneously, without jobs. Oren left his work last Friday, telling them he would come back when they could pay him (it's been a few weeks now). They were disappointed and maybe a touch surprised, but he stopped short of explaining to them the way a job works - i.e., that employees work in exchange for pay. I don't know that I would have been polite enough to save them that speech.

I'm still looking for work - hoping to wait it out and find a great first position, wondering which will win the game of chicken: my selectivity or my need for a paycheck.

What better time to be unemployed together? We have two bicycles, a fridge full of leftovers, and what seems to be a looming economic depression. Time to read and write blog posts and go camping - and touch up the resumes.

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